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Ayurvedic Treatment for COVID-19 Patients in Home Isolation

how to treat new covid 19 strain by ayurvedic guidelines suggested by AYUSH
How to treat covid 19 at home

The common clinical features observed in mild COVID-19 cases include sore throat, mild fever, body-ache, nasal congestion, and dry cough. Although a variety of symptoms are being reported, many cases are asymptomatic and some uncommon clinical manifestations include loss of smell and taste.

Some of the asymptomatic cases can be in the pre-symptomatic stage. Considering this possibility, the patient should observe evolving symptoms or signs. This watchfulness should not lead to undue anxiety.

General Guidelines for COVID-19 Patients in home isolation:

Stage/Condition & Clinical Presentation Clinical Presentation Medicine Dosage
Asymptomatic COVID-19 Patients -- Guduchi Ghana vati (Samshamani vati) 500 mg tablet twice daily with warm water for 15 days
Ashwagandha Tablet (Aqueous extract) 500 mg two tablets twice daily with warm water for 30 days
AYUSH 64 500 mg two tablet twice daily with warm water for 30 days
Mild COVlD19 Positive Fever, Headache, Malaise, Dry Cough, Sore throat, Nasal Congestion AYUSH 64 500 mg two tablet thrice daily with warm water for 30 days
AshwagandhaShunthi $Ashwagandha (Aqueous extract) Tablet 250 mg and Shunthi powder 500 mg twice daily with warm water for 15 days
Guduchi Ghana vati (Samshamani vati) 500 mg tablet twice daily with warm water for 15 days
Guduchi + Pippali Guduchi kwatha* - 100 ml + Pippali Churna-2 gm twice daily before meals for 15 days. OR Guduchi Pippali two Tablets** (375 mg each) twice daily
Mild COVlD19 Mild Fever, Headache, Malaise, Fatigue Sudarshan Ghan Vati 500 mg twice daily with warm water for 15 days
Nagaradi Kashaya 20 ml twice a day for 15 days
Cough Sitopaladi Churna with Honey 3 g thrice daily with Honey for 15 days
Sore throat Vyoshadi vati Chew 1-2 pills as required
Yashtimadhu churna 1-3 g twice daily with honey for 15 days
Nasal Congestion, Loss of taste Vyoshadi vati Chew 1-2 pills as required

General Guidelines for COVID-19 Patients in home isolation:

All the COVID-19 patients should obey the following guidelines for speedy recovery at their home.

  1. Patients should follow physical distancing, respiratory and hand hygiene, and wear masks
  2. Gargle with warm water along with an added pinch of turmeric and salt. Water boiled with Triphala (dried fruits of Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellirica) or Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) can also be used for gargling. 
  3. Nasal instillation/application of medicated oil (Anu taila or Shadbindu Taila) or plain oil (Sesame or Coconut) or of cow ghee (Goghrita), once or twice a day, especially before going out and after coming back home. 
  4. Steam inhalation with Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi), Pudina (Mentha spicata) or Eucalyptus oil (1-5 drops) or Karpur (Camphor) once a day. 
  5. Frequent intake of water processed with Tulasi (basil leaves – Ocimum tenuiflorum L.Merr (synonym Ocimum sanctum L.) is advised. 
  6. Adequate sleep (7-8 hours) should be taken and day time sleep preferably be avoided.

3 Step Diet for COVID-19 Patients in Home Isolation:

  1. Drinking of warm water or water boiled with herbs like Saunth (Zingiber officinale), Dhania (Coriandrum sativum),Tulasi (Ocimum sanctum), or Jeera (Cuminum cyminum) seeds. 
  2. Food should be freshly prepared, and easily digestible. 
  3. Drinking of Golden Milk (Half tea spoon Haldi(Curcuma longa) powder in 150 ml hot milk) once at night. The same should be avoided in case of indigestion.
These suggested guidelines are supported by Ayurvedic literature, scientific publications and emerging evidence based on COVID-19 studies undertaken by the Ministry of Ayush.{alertInfo}

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